Saturday, January 15, 2011

One God...One Creator

I was listening to Matt Chandler, pastor of the Village Church, in Dallas this week (Forgetting and Straining in 2011) . He described two types of people as it pertained to our faith.

Some people regularly attend church, memorize scripture, and do all the other so called "right" things because they think those things actually make them a better, more holy person. Obviously, going to church is not a bad thing. BUT- if we're not seeking to know God more and have a more intimate relationship with Him, then all that stuff is rubbish.

The other people Matt described were those who think their sin is too much for God to forgive. They think what Jesus did on the cross cannot erase the filth of their past. So, they just go through life thinking "I'm not good enough."

The truth of the matter is that life is about knowing and becoming best friends with Jesus. It's not about what other people are doing or about where we are right now spiritually, it's all about my relationship with Him today, and tomorrow, and the next day. Also- His grace is enough. Nothing you've done in the past can't be's His promise.

An example of this is so well displayed in the following video:

One God, One Creator (God of Second Chances) VIDEO

He is a God of second chances AND all of the people in history that rocked it for God (David, Paul, Mary Magdalene, and on and on) screwed up big time.

Know that He will do a great work in you today!

ps- you can check out SOJ much easier now through the new Camp Website