Saturday, August 20, 2011

Take a deep release- whew! Summer has come and gone at Camp Huawni and what an unforgettable time it was. I know we talk about it being the best Texas summer camp- and one big reason that happens each summer is because of our counselors. Quite literally our staff was more than we could ever ask for this summer- they gave everything they had and I know for certain hundreds of kids were impacted in a special way.

I went for a run this morning and was thinking about Camp and how at Summer Tree we talk about how being at Camp Huawni is just extra special, and how we really can take that "with us" the rest of the year.

Well, this morning I was reminded in a real, authentic way just what "that stuff" is. Check out the podcast on iTunes titled "The Wounded Soul" on 8/5 under "Tim Keller Podcast". Tim talks about how complex we are as people and what true joy is and where it comes from. It's a loud and clear message that really makes sense. He definitely served me my SOJ this morning!

We miss all of you at Camp, and remember- God Loves You!

Keep in touch through this SOJ Blog. Share it with your friends and our hope is to keep sharing SOJ with you throughout this year.

Love and inwauh!

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