Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tribal Competition & Temptation

How many Tribal Competitions have you won in your lifetime? If you're like me- I bet you can remember pretty accurately. What would happen if you cheated? Well, here's a story along those lines.

In my early days as a counselor, I had the opportunity on several occasions to coach along side my good friend Caleb Deason. Caleb was a linebacker for the Henderson Lions, and the running joke in the late 90's was this- who's the best-ever athlete at Huawni....Micah Howard or Caleb Deason? Needless to say, Caleb was competitive, as was I. One year Caleb and I were coaching soccer together during Tribal Competition and we decided to let one of our older kids play with the younger kids. This was clearly against the rules, but we thought it necessary considering we had less kids than the other team. Soon enough we were caught, and we had to give up our win. Campers and Counselors were disappointed, as were Caleb and I for making a pretty dumb decision. Why did we make such a silly decision? In the moment of temptation, why didn't we just do the right thing?

This weekend I got to hear Matt Carter speak at the Austin Stone Church- he spoke on temptation. He shared Hebrews 4:16, which says, "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Jesus was tempted just like us, yet he never sinned. This verse is so simple yet so powerful. It says, "In times of temptation, seek Jesus so that he can give us the strength we need to stay out of sin." So how do we do that? Well, praying at the moment of temptation is one way. Another way is to speak the Word verbally in times of temptation. In both instances, He will help us...how cool!

May the Lord bless your week and give you plenty of SOJ!

Love and inwauh,


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jumping In

My most memorable and fun time this summer at Camp was on Wednesday night of our two week sessions. We dug a huge hole in the volleyball court as counselors and campers prepared to duke it out in some fierce tug of war matches. It was at that time that Sarah Black (I think) came up to me and whispered, "Travis...it's time to get out of your comfort zone." And it dawned on me- that morning I had encouraged our staff to really get out of their comfort zone to love on the kids. So...there I was:) The rest is history- as you can see in the picture...that's what happened next. As soon as the mud filled my toes and ears and everywhere else on my body...the fun officially begun. The rest of the night was such a blast, and I was so glad I dove in head first (that pun is for you Price Downham...lol).

In John 14:15, Jesus says, "If you love me, you will obey what I command." So, what is He whispering in your ear today? Will you listen and obey? I promise- if you do, blessings will follow at some point in ways we never expect. A good family friend of ours, Byron Gossett, once said, "On the back side of obedience is God's blessing."

My prayer today is that each of you will hear God's whisper, obey with a childlike faith, and be blessed beyond belief!

Love and inwauh,


Thursday, August 12, 2010

When the World's Moving Backwards

Good morning Tribe!

Summer 2010 was pretty amazing, and for those who participated, you came to know and love the music of Ben Rector. Ben sings a song called Moving Backwards. The chorus goes like this:

Cause standing still isn't easy, when the world's moving backwards...
So get your fill, please believe me, the world's moving backwards

What an accurate picture of all the junk going on in the world. This year there will be so much junk thrown at you and me while at school, home, or where ever we are- gossip, peer pressure from friends, stress, and much more. Camp Huawni is a beautiful place because it allows us to get away from all the junk and just be still.

I have Good News- that same peace is available to us year round. In John 16:33 Jesus says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." As the world moves backwards around you, just know that Jesus has overcome it, and walking with Him daily gives you a peace and the power to reject all the junk and take in all the good OJ!

May the Lord bless you today! Until next week....

Love and inwauh,


SOJ is Here!

Good Morning! Well, we finally found a way to bring SOJ (spiritual orange juice) from Flagpole Hill to you year round! I will be posting weekly SOJs for campers and counselors to read; I'd love to get your feedback, thoughts, prayers, and the like if and when you have something to say or feel moved to share.

Please tell all your Camp Huawni buddies, as we hope to have everybody joining in by this Fall.

Have a blessed week- OJ is served:)

Love and Inwauh,
