Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tribal Competition & Temptation

How many Tribal Competitions have you won in your lifetime? If you're like me- I bet you can remember pretty accurately. What would happen if you cheated? Well, here's a story along those lines.

In my early days as a counselor, I had the opportunity on several occasions to coach along side my good friend Caleb Deason. Caleb was a linebacker for the Henderson Lions, and the running joke in the late 90's was this- who's the best-ever athlete at Huawni....Micah Howard or Caleb Deason? Needless to say, Caleb was competitive, as was I. One year Caleb and I were coaching soccer together during Tribal Competition and we decided to let one of our older kids play with the younger kids. This was clearly against the rules, but we thought it necessary considering we had less kids than the other team. Soon enough we were caught, and we had to give up our win. Campers and Counselors were disappointed, as were Caleb and I for making a pretty dumb decision. Why did we make such a silly decision? In the moment of temptation, why didn't we just do the right thing?

This weekend I got to hear Matt Carter speak at the Austin Stone Church- he spoke on temptation. He shared Hebrews 4:16, which says, "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Jesus was tempted just like us, yet he never sinned. This verse is so simple yet so powerful. It says, "In times of temptation, seek Jesus so that he can give us the strength we need to stay out of sin." So how do we do that? Well, praying at the moment of temptation is one way. Another way is to speak the Word verbally in times of temptation. In both instances, He will help us...how cool!

May the Lord bless your week and give you plenty of SOJ!

Love and inwauh,



  1. this story made me laugh out loud... and I won 3 tribal competitions.. have all the pine cones to prove it! :)
    -kristen (hartley) lindquist

  2. Kristen! You also failed to mention that you are a member of the Huawni Soccer Hall of Fame:)
