Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Words that Build Up

Can you remember one of your most inspirational memories at Camp Huawni?

One of my favorite Camp moments happens frequently each year during Run for the Roses, which is a huge relay race where campers and counselors pass a baton as they run a big running race across campus. Nearly every year there is one team that really gets smoked and finished last.

I will still never forget the first time I saw a counselor running next to the last runner for the last place team, cheering them on to finish strong, even though the race was practically over. When the camper crossed the finish line, their counselor gave them a big high five and hug, affirming their effort to finish strong. This was definitely a win-win moment.

If anyone has every read the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" then you know what a win-win is. A win-win looks for a positive outcome for all parties involved as opposed to one person winning and one person losing. In Run for the Roses, even 4th place got the satisfaction of winning. Why? Because one counselor made it their mission to encourage their camper verbally, even when the race seemed to be over.

You know- what comes out of our mouth is a lot more powerful than we could ever imagine. James 3:4-5 reads, "Or take ships for example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot want to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts." James goes on to say that what comes out of your mouth "sets the whole course of his life...". Can what we say really have that much impact on our life, both good and bad?

In my experience, the answer is definitely yes. Have you ever been around a positive person that's fun to be around and always complimenting others? Likewise, have you ever been around a person who is negative all the time and puts down other people? What is coming out of our mouths each day?

May the Lord bless your words that you share daily and bless your week!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Path

Yesterday I was cruising up I-45 late in the day and realized I was coming up on Huntsville State Park. I needed to get a jog in, so where better to run than through the big pines of this state park?

The 4 miles I ran seemed really short, and as I was running, I felt like I was running through the woods at Huawni. The creeks, sand, and ferns growing all around really made me feel at home. I felt at home and a very serene feeling came over me. Thankfully, I didnt' worry about getting lost as the trail markers showed the way.

Psalm 27:11 says, "Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path." This is a very simple verse, but there's so much truth wrapped in it. Kind of like the trail I ran on yesterday- God puts trail markers in our lives to show us the way. When we stay on His path- it's a blissful thing! Occasional we get lost (as I did on a run recently on Town Lake in Austin), but if we'll stick with him, He'll get us back on track.

Blessings and Inwauh- may the Lord bless your week!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Busted Flat In Baton Rouge...

What's your favorite Camp song? My is....well, let me share first about a definite Camp favorite "Me and Bobby McGee". If you've ever come to a Camp Huawni Sing Song, you'll know that "Me and Bobby McGee" starts off like this:

"Busted flat in Baton Rounge, waiting for a train. Feeling nearly faded as my jeans."

Ever feel faded or worn out? Ever been knocked down by life?

My good friend Nathanael Yellis just lost his mother to cancer; Nathanael and I attended Acton together. You can listen to the Eulogy he gave for his mother here: Nathanael's Eulogy.

Nathaniel has surely been knocked down temporarily by his mother's passing; I can't imagine the pain and grief he's experiencing. Many of us have lost loves ones, and oh how we can remember the pain of losing that person. But- there is Good News! Nathanael's mother lived a verse oh so well when battling cancer. James 1:12 reads, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." His mother definitely loved the Lord, and she now surely is wearing a crown of life.

The lyrics to "Me and Bobby McGee" go on to say, "And I'd trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday...." When we face trials, we certainly wish for better days for sure. Remember though- persevering through a trial is ultimately a test. How will we react when trouble comes our way? Who will we turn to? The Big Guy is waiting to give you peace and rest today as you fight through life's trials (Matthew 11:28).

p.s.- My favorite Camp Song is Farewell

Camp Huawni

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ever wanted to swim in the Initiation Pond? (or the i pond as we now call it)

In 1996 I had the pleasure of building the tribal fire with one of my best friends, Micah Howard. It was 3rd Session and there were only 4 boy counselors- myself, Micah, Andrew Clendenen, and Wade Merida. I was a CIT (counselor in training), nonetheless I look back on that session and it may be my favorite because of the bond that Micah, Wade, Andrew and myself shared.

Back to the i pond- so winding up 3rd Session and the summer, Micah and I built this huge bon fire (the Tribal Fire). It was 100 plus degrees and we were drenched in sweat. We got done and just stared at that big beautiful piece of manly work, kind of looked around, and then Micah said, "Hey man, you want to go swimming?"

We dove head first into the pond, swam deep down near the mud, and were instantly refreshed. The water down deep was so cool that you didn't even want to come up for air immediately. That's a memory I'll never forget.

Mark 1:35 reads, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Sometimes the Bible refers to the morning as the "cool of the day". So why did Jesus get up so early to pray? I asked myself the same question this morning. Why do we get up so early for SOJ at Camp? I'm sure you have answers, but here are just a few thoughts of mine. My mind is clear in the morning, and I sure do hear God a lot clearer. I can watch the sunrise and see part of God's creation- so beautiful. It's quiet; I can hear the birds in the morning singing. I feel at peace and feel God's presence.

So, I want to encourage you to take some time out in the morning, or maybe just in the quietest part of your day, and pray and talk to God. Take time out to read His word and just listen. Maybe it's been a long time since you've even talked to God- so what...that's okay. That's what today is for:) If you do it- I promise that you'll be refresh...and probably won't even want to come up for air!