Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Path

Yesterday I was cruising up I-45 late in the day and realized I was coming up on Huntsville State Park. I needed to get a jog in, so where better to run than through the big pines of this state park?

The 4 miles I ran seemed really short, and as I was running, I felt like I was running through the woods at Huawni. The creeks, sand, and ferns growing all around really made me feel at home. I felt at home and a very serene feeling came over me. Thankfully, I didnt' worry about getting lost as the trail markers showed the way.

Psalm 27:11 says, "Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path." This is a very simple verse, but there's so much truth wrapped in it. Kind of like the trail I ran on yesterday- God puts trail markers in our lives to show us the way. When we stay on His path- it's a blissful thing! Occasional we get lost (as I did on a run recently on Town Lake in Austin), but if we'll stick with him, He'll get us back on track.

Blessings and Inwauh- may the Lord bless your week!

1 comment:

  1. good stuff, travis. gonna share that verse today!
