Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Busted Flat In Baton Rouge...

What's your favorite Camp song? My is....well, let me share first about a definite Camp favorite "Me and Bobby McGee". If you've ever come to a Camp Huawni Sing Song, you'll know that "Me and Bobby McGee" starts off like this:

"Busted flat in Baton Rounge, waiting for a train. Feeling nearly faded as my jeans."

Ever feel faded or worn out? Ever been knocked down by life?

My good friend Nathanael Yellis just lost his mother to cancer; Nathanael and I attended Acton together. You can listen to the Eulogy he gave for his mother here: Nathanael's Eulogy.

Nathaniel has surely been knocked down temporarily by his mother's passing; I can't imagine the pain and grief he's experiencing. Many of us have lost loves ones, and oh how we can remember the pain of losing that person. But- there is Good News! Nathanael's mother lived a verse oh so well when battling cancer. James 1:12 reads, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." His mother definitely loved the Lord, and she now surely is wearing a crown of life.

The lyrics to "Me and Bobby McGee" go on to say, "And I'd trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday...." When we face trials, we certainly wish for better days for sure. Remember though- persevering through a trial is ultimately a test. How will we react when trouble comes our way? Who will we turn to? The Big Guy is waiting to give you peace and rest today as you fight through life's trials (Matthew 11:28).

p.s.- My favorite Camp Song is Farewell

Camp Huawni

1 comment:

  1. Mine is Bobby McGee with Tom Paxton's Farewell and North Country Fair in a tie for second...good stuff, T Earl!
